
歌手:Kate Havnevik
SoLo – Kate Havnevik 选自《Melankton》专辑



出生于挪威奥斯陆的Kate Havnevik,在伦敦接受的音乐熏陶,她把音乐生涯的开端很格式化地以单纯成为一名爵士和古典的吉他演奏手为目标,但这一系列计划在她14岁时加入一支朋克乐队后发生了转变。从那时开始Kate Havnevik就确立了宽广气息唱法的个人风格,这种风格大家最熟悉的非Björk和Kate Moss莫属。Kate Havnevik的音乐配器以吉他、钢琴和口风琴(一种小型管乐器,类似口琴, 但有钢琴一样的键盘)为主。她的一首Demo由于在洛杉矶知名电台KCRW-FM的王牌节目Morning Becomes Eclectic中的热播让她一下子在当地拥有了诸多歌迷,最近Kate Havnevik更是和Moby, Röyksopp和Tom Middleton等诸多电子艺人展开密切合作。

Kate Havnevik的首张个人专辑《Melankton》在2006年面世,专辑中的多首歌曲都被收入热播剧《Grey’s Anatomy》让人叫好的原声中,也正是凭借和影片气氛完美的契合,让我对演唱者Kate Havnevik一下子来了兴趣,加上迷人的声线,让我对Kate Havnevik一见倾心。

London-based, Norwegian-born Kate Havnevik spent her formative years with the desire to become a guitarist in the jazz and classical worlds, but these plans were derailed after joining a punk band at the tender age of 14. Since then Havnevik has explored a wide breadth of styles before settling on three main instruments of choice: guitar, piano, and melodica. A demo of her was played on the widely influential Morning Becomes Eclectic program on L.A.’s KCRW-FM and won her a loyal fan base. More recently she collaborated with electronic music poster boys Moby, Röyksopp, and Tom Middleton, as well as penned the song “Grace” specifically for the second season finale of the popular television drama Grey’s Anatomy, which aired in May 2006. Havnevik’s full-length solo debut, Melankton, appeared in the fall of 2006 via her own Continentica Records and was reissued early the following year through Universal Republic.


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